So, nearly another month passed...I never guessed it would be taking me this long to be posting any progress around this little Victorian house. But, when one is juggling a full-time job, things seem to take a little longer than anticipated.
There has been some action, albeit small and incomplete...
I've been enjoying the budleija in the garden (as evidenced above) - however, that is the last of these blooms that I'll enjoy this year, as I dug it out of the garden today. Budleija's can grow up to 6-7m and it was in a really inconvenient place in the garden, so out it went...
Speaking of the garden, some other changes have also been occurring...
The horrible blue shed at the bottom of the garden is now a much more subtle shade. In the photo above on the right the door is still blue, but that has now also been painted. Some of the larger shrubs have been removed. I still have two more to dig out, and then I can move into re-planting mode.
The hall cupboard has also had a temporary makeover...

The dreadfully dirty and filled with cobwebs space has had a coat of white paint and some new shelves installed. You just need to close your eyes to the hot-water tank and copper pipes. When I eventually get the boiler replaced, this water tank will become obsolete - and at that point the hall cupboard can have a proper makeover. But, at least I am no longer averse to storing my linen in there.
I had an excellent electrician spend the day here a few weeks ago. Not only did he confirm that my wiring is in fairly decent shape (hurrah!), but he also installed a range of light-fittings for me. The previous owners had taken all of their fittings with them just leaving a bulb and flex.
The horrible blue shed at the bottom of the garden is now a much more subtle shade. In the photo above on the right the door is still blue, but that has now also been painted. Some of the larger shrubs have been removed. I still have two more to dig out, and then I can move into re-planting mode.
The hall cupboard has also had a temporary makeover...

The dreadfully dirty and filled with cobwebs space has had a coat of white paint and some new shelves installed. You just need to close your eyes to the hot-water tank and copper pipes. When I eventually get the boiler replaced, this water tank will become obsolete - and at that point the hall cupboard can have a proper makeover. But, at least I am no longer averse to storing my linen in there.
It has even been 'prettied' with some lavender that I cut from the front garden and dried...
I had an excellent electrician spend the day here a few weeks ago. Not only did he confirm that my wiring is in fairly decent shape (hurrah!), but he also installed a range of light-fittings for me. The previous owners had taken all of their fittings with them just leaving a bulb and flex.
Now I have three flush-mount chandeliers in-situ (sitting room, dining room and bedroom). These were £60 each from BHS - which I thought was a bit of a bargain. The electrician will be coming back in a few weeks to fit the lights in the bathroom and replace the front porch lantern.
The kitchen will be the first room to receive a proper makeover - albeit it temporary. Eventually, I plan to extend the kitchen out further into the garden, but in the mean time it will be receiving new paint, tiles, light and a new sink and tap. I'm gradually extending my diy skills. Recently, I've been learning how to remove backsplash tiles. The orange/red/mustard/pink glass mosaic tiles are on their way out...
And finally, I have a new friend. She has been a regular visitor ever since I moved in. So much so that I originally thought she might have been lost. As it turns out, she belongs to a neighbour two doors up from me. However, it appears that she just likes to make herself at home in everyone's house.
Introducing Harper...