A friend of mine is leaving the UK after ten years to return to Australia. I gave S some sewing lessons earlier this year, as she is planning on starting a business that will include pet accessories.
During a recent unexpected trip back to Australia for family reasons, her sweet little dog was cared for by some of her friends (who also have two dogs of their own). S asked if I would make her some pillow covers for her to give them as a thank you gift.
We met in Kingston on the weekend so she could choose the fabric and tell me what design she would like. Over the long weekend I spent a few hours on Monday making them...
I cut the pattern for the v-pillow case from one that she provided for me. After a quick internet search I was able to find a template for a westie dog which I then appliquéd on by hand.
It had been quite a few years since I had attempted any of this style of appliqué, so I had to provide myself with a quick re-cap tutorial via youtube.
I was quite pleased with the finished product, and she was delighted when she collected them this week...so now I just hope that the recipients will be equally as pleased!
My Patio Renovation: The Ideas
6 days ago
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