Saturday, 11 May 2013


I arrived back in London last Monday on what was a beautiful sunny bank holiday. In fact the weather (temperature and sunshine) was virtually exactly that we had left in Texas. I spent the last few days of my trip in Fort Worth at a conference which was excellent, but with a very full programme of sessions. A lot of learning and a lot to absortb now that I am home.

This was my view on Thursday morning as I exited Westminster Station on my way to a training programme that is part of one of my scholarship programmes. (Sadly, the lovely sunshine didn't last...). The programme was very interesting - basically it aimed to give us insight into how the Department of Health/NHS is run from a Government/political and Whitehall/civil servant perspective. Despite being completely stressed for much of the day it was still a very valuable learning experience...and whilst I have never held political aspirations, that was very much confirmed for me after the day's events!

It has been a flying visit home - I am on a flight back to the US tomorrow morning to present at another conference. I'm going to the West Coast this time (near Santa Cruz) - predicted temperature on arrival is 28 degrees (much nicer than the 14 degrees we are having here in London today). But, my skills at capsule packing have improved over the last month, so I'm all packed and ready to go

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